‘SWITCH’ is a bolt out of the dark, a harsh awakening. Empowerment.
Sera’s album songs are all drawn from folklore and SWITCH is no different, drawing inspiration from Steam-punk, Frankenstein and the ‘Freak Lab-accident’ trope of the comic superhero.
SERA’s music is rooted in folk, Americana, singer-songwriter, with this track taking a further leap into energetic pop.
A pianist, guitar player and a singer-songwriter, SERA (Sera Zyborska) has been writing, recording and performing in both English and Welsh for a while. Over the last couple of years, SERA has spent time in the studio working and writing with producer Andi Crutwell-Jones, looking at the real stories she wanted to tell with a sound that matched her ambition. The result is a collection of songs inspired by anxiety, love, nostalgia, ancestry, witches, ships and lost worlds. It’s all there.
Having grown up in Caernarfon, North Wales, a place steeped in history, culture, between the Snowdonia Mountains and the Irish sea, you could understand her love of folklore and how landscape is a big source of inspiration behind her music.
Once again working with acclaimed producer Crutwell-Jones, plus the notable contribution of Nico CJ on violin and Len Whitehead on Electric guitar, Sera crafts “Switch” into a full-sounding, wallop of a song that again blends all SERA’s favourite parts of Americana, folk and pop with her storytelling and folklore album theme.
When I Wake Up, the brand new album by SERA is out on CD July 31st (pre-orders from July 17th) and on digital and streaming platforms from August 14th. The album is a collection of 11 tracks, all inspired by screaming life!
Sera Website: https://www.serasongs.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Serasongs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Serasongs/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/serasongs/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2R4Pz7h7LHtxHObkJB8ifb