Is your life “trite and jaded?” Well, when was the last time you spent some quality minutes with this underappreciated, melodic, singalong? You don’t have to take it anymore. Truth be told, you shouldn’t. Turn this up and sing along.
Month: July 2020
Buddy the Cat. Male longhair tan and black tabby Maine coon cat with a beautiful heart-shaped face and emerald-green eyes. Any information concerning his whereabouts appreciated. Contact us at Please do not chase! As an outdoor cat, Buddy has acquired necessary survival skills. If cornered, he has been known to leap, claws-first, at a …
Eating from your yard tip ~ just step outside and odds are good you will find wood sorrel growing. Gladys Jeurink, a respected gardener in my town (Lincoln, NE), advised me to leave the wood sorrel in my garden because the rabbits prefer it over other plants, so they will leave the other plants alone. …
I’ve been slipping on my Sinatra surveillance. Turns out a remixed version of Nice ‘n’ Easy came out this spring. If you are mercifully unafflicted by audiophile disease this won’t matter, but for me this is a great improvement. (The original had too much reverb, among other problems.) Hear “You go To My Head”—surely one …
Hit Song Preserved by the Library of Congress and added to the National Recording Registry in 2008 NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today marks the 40th Anniversary of Country Music Hall of Fame member George Jones’ iconic song “He Stopped Loving Her Today” reaching #1 on Billboard’s Hot Country Chart on July 5, 1980. This was Jones’ first solo hit in six years and paved the way to …
I was doing chores outside this morning, and had a pebble in my shoe. Of course I ignored it to get things done, plus had garden soil on my hands. It kinda grew in irritation. Has this happened to you? Then when you get to take the shoe off, this little pebble comes out. You …
Hi East Portland, Well, what can I say? Been making music as long as I can remember. Mostly old school blues-rock, but I have influences in all kinds of music. And it’s all done with the guitar. “No Reason” describes the condition/state you can come across, maybe more often now, these days. Hope …
I’d like to share my new song, “Sad Girl Summer,” with you. It was written at the beginning of last summer, which ironically went on to be one of the best summers of my life! The song is all about letting go of both things and people who aren’t worth your precious time and …
I think the stress of these days-whether stemming from management at work, seeing complete moronic citizens in public who believe they are invincible from the pandemic (or that it has passed them), to, of course, having a President who embarasses the country on a daily basis. I have worked at home for over three months …