The new postmaster general, Republican megadonor Louis DeJoy, has been handed the baton to end what I believe is a fantastic program with socialistic ideology (like community colleges). Everybody in the United States can receive mail for the same price. Live in rural America or tribal country or Key West? I can send you a letter for the same price. The party I never vote for has been defunding the United States Postal Service and are currently drooling at the opportunity to eliminate those union jobs that provide health insurance. Cut. Cut. Cut that so-called inefficient government program. I believe this is yet another universal service obligation (think Medicare and Social Security as well) that should not be eliminated.
Who actually thinks UPS or FedEx would deliver a letter to Alaska from Minnesota for the same cost it takes to mail one 25 miles? Not gonna happen. Why do you think Amazon relies on the USPS to deliver packages to remote areas and uses its own fleet to deliver packages in higher populated areas? Instead of thinking about a universal service obligation, a company will think about efficiency, i.e., eliminate service beyond the ‘burbs or significantly increase rates to those areas. The USPS, while “profiting” from densely populated areas, spreads the “profits” so the cost remains the same for everyone.
#45, you courted those rural voters. You “love” veterans. Well, eliminate the postal service and who will deliver drugs from the VA to a veteran? What about a veteran who lives in rural America? The tariffs have significantly harmed rural America. I hope these voting blocs (and there are many more) realize their lives have not improved over the last four years and how dangerous it will be to re-elect the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
Ban voting by USPS mail during a pandemic?
- Mark Erickson