Tuesday eating from your tip~Of my wild harvesting friends, I am the most risk adverse. If you can potentially die or get sick from eating something at the wrong time and if I’m not starving then I don’t eat it. Pawpaws are the exception ~ the creamy custardy innards taste like a mixture of mango and banana is worth the potential stomach distress if not harvested at the right time or if you eat the green layer of the skin. I’ve eaten pawpaws in bread, pudding and ice cream, but truthfully it is hard to improve on just spooning out the innards straight from the pawpaw being careful to avoid the green layer before the skin. Pawpaw trees not only produce amazing fruit, but they look tropical so are always the one people ask about on garden tours. I moved, so I am starting over with pawpaw seedlings and patiently waiting the five years before fruit will form so I can enjoy pawpaws again! How do you eat pawpaws?
- Jill Kuhel