April 8, 2021: International Call for Peace in Afghanistan, by Mark Erickson



Remember when people lauded the “brave” Afghans for their resolve to beat back the Russkies out of the country during the 1980s occupation?  You may not have learned that Russia sent geologists and engineers to survey – not for oil – for mineral wealth.  Afghanistan has rich deposits of gold, silver, platinum, copper, zinc, and iron ore.  However, Afghanistan, a landlocked country, lacked paved roads and rail links and seemingly has always had a messy government.  Russia decided to cut its losses.

Osama Bin Laden, a Saudi, as were 15 of the 19 hijackers who committed an international crime against humanity on September 11, 2001, compelled Bush and Cheney to start a wholly wretched invasion of…AFGHANISTAN…two decades ago.  The lying has led to occupying, fighting, and dying.  The lying has led to occupying, fighting, and dying.  The lying has led to occupying, fighting, and dying.  “I repeat myself when I’m distressed.  I repeat myself when I’m distressed. I repeat myself when I’m distressed,” spoken by Adrian Belew in the song “Indiscipline” by King Crimson on the Discipline release. 

U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan rose dramatically since 9/11 to approximately 100,000 in 2010 and 2011.  Only after 2013 did troop level decrease below 40,000.  We must acknowledge that smashing Afghanistan and Iraq (there are more) into failed states makes them ripe for ensuing chaos on which war is declared, e.g., ISIS and the Taliban. As the war drags on, the U.S. military continues to fill its ranks in the Muddle East with recruits who were born AFTER 9/11.

This permanent warfare state with an undefined goal will continue to drain precious tax dollars.  Adam Weinstein, a research fellow at the Quincy Institute, wrote last month that “America’s nearly 20-year war in Afghanistan has cost the U.S. taxpayer roughly $1 trillion in direct expenditures, hundreds of billions of dollars in additional interest on the debt incurred to fund the war effort, and likely an additional $1 trillion in costs to care for veterans of the war for the next several decades.”  This unspeakable war must end.  Will America cut its losses or is access to mineral wealth just too juicy?

In 2014, vast deposits of lithium were located in the far southern region in the country’s Helmand province. Lithium, as you know, is the raw material used in rechargeable cell phone and car batteries. In July 2017, President Trump eyed Afghanistan’s untapped riches as a path for funding reconstruction after the never-ending war ’s destruction. I wonder how much of the mineral wealth would American companies steal for the sake of shareholders?  

“Humanity First,” the political mantra of former U.S. presidential candidate, Andrew Yang.  “Every man is somebody because he is a child of God.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.