I stumbled upon a rabbit hole known as archive.org. What a trove of information! If you are a Grateful Dead head (I am not), the website has 15,778 Dead audio files. https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead
Are you an Apple geek? https://archive.org/details/manuals-apple Peruse 969 Apple computer manuals.
There is a Swedish folk instrument called the nyckelharpa. ‘Tis a strange instrument that has keys played with your fingers and strings played by a bow. Here it is part of a folk band performing at the vaunted Red Rock ampitheater in Colorado. https://archive.org/details/d8tvco-Light_Racket_-_Red_Rocks_Premieres
I actually spent several hours looking at material related to Daniel Ellsberg. He leaked the Pentagon Papers that brought significant shame to the lying politicians during Vietnam. One can see his handwritten notes that he took when on trial for espionage. There are a total of 2,501 entries for this American hero.
On a whim, I searched for “Minnehaha.” You see, I attended Minnehaha Academy HS in Minneapolis. My search yielded video clips of my alma mater’s athletic teams as well as pictures of Minnehaha Falls, which are located two miles south of the campus along the banks of the Mighty Mississippi.
In the “Additional Collections” folder, I watched three government PSAs/propaganda videos from the 1940s.
- https://archive.org/details/Preventi1940 1940. “Preventing the Spread of Disease” How apropos for today! Every step we take to prevent the spread of disease will increase the amount of happiness in all of us. Halt the movement of germs and prevent the spread of disease. We can prevent the spread of disease by staying away from those who are sick. Someone with a communicable disease should stay away from healthy people. Cleanliness where food is served is of utmost importance, and wash your hands are slices of advice.
- https://archive.org/details/OurEnemy1943 1943. “Our Enemy: The Japanese” This next two videos were created by the United States Office of War Information, Bureau of Motion Pictures. Apparently the Japanese wanted to establish Tokyo as the capital of the world, the mind of the Japanese is 2,000 years behind Western world and as such “borrow” scientific ideas from Great Britain and the United States. Relying on Nazi Germany, Japan is preparing for total war and the destruction of the land they hate the most: the United States.
- https://archive.org/details/NegroCol1944 1944. “Negro Colleges in Wartime” Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, we learn, trains qualified fliers for the war effort. Prairie View in Texas trains students to learn agriculture and make tools. HBCUs everywhere, such as Howard University, learn mechanical design to occupy jobs to make tanks and machines. One of the most significant courses at Hampton University is the study of nutrition. The soybean is an important replacement for milk and meat because we must conserve these foods for war purposes.
What do you covet? Manga, Russian language or knitting magazines? If so, check out the “Magazine Rack.” New Jersey’s Death Index or census or genealogical records? Information about NASA? My Dad attended the North Dakota State School of Science before transferring to the University of Minnesota. Who wants to view the 1914 catalog (116 pages!) from NDSSS? https://archive.org/details/annualcatalogue1914nort/page/n1/mode/2up