Hey Carrie Anne… What’s your game now, can anybody play?
Topic of the evening: what up wit Carrie Anne Moss (CAM), the actress in The Matrix series???
Now, I’ve never been a Matrix fan – they’re just so overwrought (in fact, I pretty much swore off since the 1st one)- but I just stumbled on the 2003 Matrix Reloaded, and there’s CAM and The K-Man gettin’ it on and CAM all sweaty yet looking pretty fine…
So now we catapult almost 20 years later and they’re going to do it again (most of the same cast, and ALL of the same bombast) in “The Matrix – Resurrections”. Great idea…for fans…I guess.
But we are now faced with that greatest of Hollywood/Americana cruelties: ManCandy (ie. Keanu) get Ruggedly Handsome – but Strong Women of Substance (yah, CAM) just… kinda…get realistic. Ok, still pretty smokin’ – maybe especially because you just KNOW shes smarter than you’ll ever be (always attractive!), but still…
So will a slightly weatherbeaten Moss – and Sexy Grandpa Keanu- be able to pull it off? Is it going to be heady mind blowing fighty crazy sh__ blastoff…or just a middle aged 40 year high school reunion; sitting around on metal folding chairs, under a string of blue (Christmas) lights, 40 year old “Top 40s” in the air, sipping a Michelob Light or a Wild Berry Wine Cooler, and swapping stories of your kid’s successes?

The Matrix series is basically required reading for anyone in software development. I know guys who own the Nokia cell phone model used in that first movie. I found the computer science element of the first movie interesting, but then again, I was too focused on my own career to ever join fanboy status for any movie/genre/actor.
[With that said, are you guys watching Dogecoin prices right now? Tesla claims you can now buy swag using Dogecoin- I find this topic much more interesting and relevant than this sad anti-movie.
Let me explain why crypto is still just a hobby for me, and not yet worth my valuable time and money:
-I don’t see a clear and simple path for return the way I do in stocks/real estate.
-I am smart enough to know that I don’t know enough today to enter into this digital space with a lot of my money/time.
-Buying digital assets on exchanges in Lithuania, Hungary and China seems a bit risky to my way of thinking.
With that said, I AM planning to buy a $99 password wallet for crypto. These are basically just thumb drives that store your very long and encrypted bitcoin passwords. I’ll buy a few coins and store their passwords on this device, that’s about it for me now.]
Brass Against reinvent Rage Against The Machine’s ‘Wake Up’ for ‘The Matrix Resurrections’

The Matrix movie was the most important non-Star Wars science-fiction movie of the last 50 years.
When it was released the late Art Bell was still doing Coast to Coast A.M. and his audience, of which I was proudly one, adopted the Matrix as their official counter religion and origin story. Whenever Art had “open lines” on his show, some sad sack from a trailer park in Ishpeming or Tucumcari would call in to argue that the Matrix was not just a movie but an actual and true representation of reality.
For insomniacs, the Matrix picked up where the X-Files left off.
I stopped listening to Art Bell before the onset of QAnon, but the Matrix definitely has a place in the collective psychosis of latter-day America.
Art Bell was our Moses, The X-Files was our Book of Genesis, and the Matrix was our Book of Revelation.
Fast forward to today. Art Bell is dead. QAnon is an evil apocrypha and vaccine resistance is the bitter outcome. There’s a direct line from the Matrix to the post-modern, post reality, cloud vortex. If Art Bell were still alive there would be no Q-anon, and probably no Matrix Resurrections. Coincidence? There’s no such thing. Who benefitted from his passing? Follow the money.
As for Keanu Reeves, well he wasn’t as good an actor as the late Sidney Poitier, but he had his moments. Bill and Ted is a great film and even the sequel is not that bad. I loved Point Break and the John Wick movies. The Bourne movies are the best in the government-created-super-killer-genre, but John Wick is pretty close. There’s a tasty flick with Angelina Jolie as the female lead called Salt that was very, very good as well. I would like to see both John Wick and Salt again soon, I just hope I can find them on modern-day outlets like Netflix or wherever.