Here’s how the first Christian heavy metal band in Japan describes their new video:
“The Garden” It’s a very special song for us. It’s a spiritual love song. A love song written in heaven, played on earth. This song has every aspect of mankind/God relationship. Destiny, hope, sin, rebellion, life, death, love, repentance, forgiveness, and eternity. Even though it does not necessarily sound like a typical Christian song (or a typical love song), we believe it’s a song about salvation. It’s a song about falling in love, falling from heaven, and salvation by grace. When we made the video for this song, we wondered how we could portrait this complicated love story sung on it. We could use some actor and actress, but we chose to do it with our own band members, to show you the story of this song with personal messages. You can understand the story in various ways. Why did he have to shoot the gun? What does it mean? Who is this lady in white dress? Yes we did these things because they were cool and we tried to make things dramatic. But when all things were done, we realized that it was a story about salvation. This lady in white (Marie) is playing a sort of Joan Of Arc role. It symbolizes the salvation by Christ and faith in God. As a result, the band members who were walking like a funeral in the opening part, now they are smiling in the ending part and walking in the light.
– Imari Tones