Portland band, The Graduating Class, is Driven to Tears

In the lead up to their full-length debut, Portland band The Graduating Class is releasing a handful of songs throughout 2022. Their forthcoming single is a cover of The Police’s “Driven To Tears.” The Graduating Class deliver is a deliriously anxious homage that, while featuring updated lyrics and a frantic instrumental coda, stays true to the original song’s incendiary commentary.

The cover song was recorded live in one take by Graduating Class guitarist John Queant, who emulated the 1980 recording style of the original “Driven To Tears.” The results are rougher and more organic than previous Graduating Class releases, with guitarist Keenan Dorn and keyboardist August King each adding virtuoustic, frenetic solos. Vocalist Natty Burmeister rewrote the song’s politically-charged lyrics to be more relevant in 2022; References to Tesla, GoFundMe and NFTs are used in place of Sting’s lyrics, though Burmeister kept the original song’s parting words: “What’s to become of our world, and who knows what to do?”

As the great Jill Cunningham of This Is Heavy Rotation observed about this song, “You don’t hear Police covers done so well, usually, because Police songs are a lot more complex and nuanced than they first appear. The vocal line TGC uses seems more pentatonic than whatever mode or modes Sting was singing in and that’s a bit jarring to my originalist (read lifelong, diehard Police fan!) ears. But damn, this is really quite well done. The rhythm guitar and drumming are nearly spot on as is the sound of the production. I love where the guitar solo goes, starts out nearly note for note, then takes off as if it’s a live performance. Adding in a keyboard solo is pure gold. The fiery organ solo adds a soul/gospel tinge, a very welcome layer to an already great song. Worthy of any diehard Police fan’s playlist.”
