Suddenly it’s feast or famine time for Seattle concerts. Friday night was the Woggles and Sunday night it was the Horrorpops at El Corazon.
The Horrorpops are a psychobilly trio originating from Denmark but now based in the US. The band consists of Patricia Day on lead vocals and standup bass, Kim Nekroman (who also fronts the Nekromantix) on guitar and Henrik Niedermeier on drums.
Patricia looked fabulous. Her long blond locks fell past her shoulders and the ruby red lipstick she wore contrasted with her porcelain skin. Her voice was succulent and sweet one minute and in the blink of an eyes growled like a tiger and then switched back.
Patricia recently underwent cancer surgery and stopped to tell the audience that the outpouring of well wishes sent to her saved her life. A Go Fund Me Page is set up to help her pay for the cancer treatments (only in the US do people have to set up Go Fund Me accounts to pay their medical bills). Donations are still welcome at
The show was well attended and many sang along to the songs. The encore consisted of Psycho Bitches Out Of Hell followed by Walk Like A Zombie. During this time Patricia and Kim switched instruments so Patricia played guitar while Kim took over on standup bass.
Judging by the sheer volume of cheers and applause, it’s safe to assume that Seattle loves the Horrorpops. If this show wasn’t sold out, it was close to it.
Playing prior to the Horrorpops was a band I’ve been trying to see all year – the Delta Bombers. Between miscommunications and car malfunctions I missed their last two Seattle appearances so I was ecstatic to finally be able to catch them. I came as much to see them as I came to see the Horrorpops. Front man/guitarist Chris Moinichen was covered in tattoos and had great facial expressions as he growled and howled. The Delta Bombers are a psychobilly band that blends elements of roots rock and even some country into their unique sound. Gregorio Garcia almost made love to his bass as he wrapped his body around it and slapped the strings fast enough I was surprised they didn’t melt. . Andrew Himmler on Guitar, on Bass and P.J. Franco on Drums round out the band’s sound. They ended their set with a very high powered Blitzkrieg Bop. There wasn’t a still body anywhere. I will go see the Delta Bombers 100 ore times. My life is richer for having finally gotten to see them. I love this band.
Starting the evening was Pacific NW band Heart Smashers. This is a high energy band with a singer who struts about the stage like he was dancing on hot coals. Or perhaps his strutting lit the coals that set the stage ablaze for the whole night. Either way, they were a fun band to watch. The Heart Smashers lineup includes Jason Vermin” on Guitar Stage Right, “Just Matt” on Bass, “Ali Han” on Drums, “Bryan Gomez” on Guitar Stage Left, and “Geoff Breath” on vocals.