Rock makes spectacular comeback in The Now: “Girl You Got Me”

South Wales four-piece The Now has released ‘Girl You Got Me’ the second single and video off its upcoming debut album out this summer.

Stream “Girl You Got Me” here:

Recorded at Real World Studios and produced by Grammy Award winning Oli Jacobs, who has previously worked with Harry Styles and The 1975, “Girl You Got Me” tells the story “When you believe you’re set not to fall in love again after previous heartaches, that one person comes around and catches you while you’re weak and brings you back to your feet – But at the same time you’re on your knees caught up in love !”

In 2021, the band’s single, ‘Dr Jones’ managed to start their rise to success with it featuring on BBC Radio 2 – The Rock Show with Johnnie Walker and also numerous plays on Planet Rock with Wyatt featuring the track on his show “The New Rock Show”. Not long after the release of “Friendly Fire,” they were contacted by BBC Introducing Wales presenter “Adam Walton” to air the track on the station.

The first single, “Holy” from the band’s debut EP in 2022 gained a huge amount of airplay around the globe. Apart from plays on BBC and numerous independent stations in the UK, it was “The Coolest Song in the World” for a week in Little Steven’s Underground Garage on Sirius XM across North America. Further singles from the EP ‘Shoot Them Down’ and ‘Rockstar’ continued the success garnering swathes of airplay.

This year has seen the first single (“Devil Inside Me”) from the album once again picked as “Coolest Song In The World” in Little Steven’s Underground Garage Sirius XM show as well as Track of the Week on Planet Rock.

Having just recently supported Reef and Florence Black, The Now are on a mission to leave no head left unturned and one can be sure, this is only the beginning for The Now, with their debut album and festival performances already lined up 2023.

The Now consists of: Shane Callaghan on Rhythm Guitar & Lead Vocals, Will Scott on Drums, Callum Bromage on Guitar & Vocals and Jay Evans on Bass Guitar & Vocals.

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