Izzy Pingrey Opens Up About Friendship Troubles on “narcissus”

Izzy Pingrey is a 17-year-old singer-songwriter from New York City. She writes and produces her music with her dad in his studio with their dog. Izzy listens to an amount of music referred to by many as “perplexing,” consuming an eclectic mix of genres. She once listened to a Taylor Swift song and a Limp Bizkit song immediately back to back. Izzy enjoys messing around with these musical interests to create her own hybrids of them and tell the stories of her personal experiences. She has been writing music since she was 13 years old, and started producing it when she was 15. 

Here’s what she had to say about the track: “I wrote ‘narcissus’ after dealing with some friendship troubles. I felt so overlooked, like I was just pouring my heart and soul into multiple relationships that didn’t reciprocate the love and care that I was giving. I’ve been interested in Greek mythology since I was a kid, and while I was ranting about some teenage drama I accidentally forgot to pronounce the T in ‘narcissist,’ and the rest just flowed out of me after that. I wrote ‘narcissus’ for myself and for anyone else who needs to think less about people who don’t think so much about them”.
