Lena Kutscher says goodbye to sweet suburban cowboy “Stagnation” and moves closer to feminine divinity in debut single

Lena Kutscher’s debut single, “Stagnation.” Illuminates themes of suburban latency.

“At first glance,” she says, “it sonically seems to be simply a country breakup record, after all what’s more Americana than the myth of the cowboy? However, at the heart of this record is a spiritual journey. A story about a girl moving closer to feminine divinity against all odds. The spiritual-like chant in the bridge of Stagnation is a call to nature. I’m really inspired by things in nature that can create something beautiful from what seems like nothing. How certain plants can grow and feed off nutrients from dying or decaying plants and even their own dead tissue. I’ve always been fascinated by this universal law that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and I think that made me think about heartbreak and that process of getting over a person in a new way. How fascinating is it that we always somehow manage to evolve and grow into a new version of ourselves from what seems like a dying depressed shell of a being?”


