Internationally lauded singer, songwriter, composer and band/label head Christopher Sluka seems to have discovered the wonder of “Christmas Tamales,” and has decided to – what else? – sing about it. Who can blame him?
The normally very serious composer, with 13 studio albums under his belt as well as having written for and performed with some of the biggest names in music history. Now with his own label Steel Flower Music and a new base in San Diego, home of the Christmas Tamale. What better way to celebrate both the holidays and his newfound love for this Mexican holiday staple than make a wacky (albeit incredibly well-composed) song and video? If you’re from the Southwest, this is all perfectly logical.
SLUKA releases our first Christmas song! Ridiculous, silly,… and yet somehow sincere and emotional in every way. It rocks, it’s fun,… you may want to dance, laugh, and cry all at the same time. Currently working on a new album for a 2024 release, Sluka wants to leave 2023 with the “profound” statement: “Christmas Tamales… We hope you sang along… like peace and good will, we can have them all year long.
With a fun, ultra-rock, Tenacious-D-if-they-were-backed-by-an-orchestra vibe, Sluka and his band extol the joys of the Christmas tamale through this raucous song. Native to Mexico and a few other Central American countries, it’s now a huge part of Southwestern culture to make and/or the cornmeal-based parcels en masse, beginning at Thanksgiving through the end of the year. To learn more, just listen to the song!
Along with the new song extoling the wonders of corn masa wrapped in husk (or banana leaf), Sluka also commissioned a cheeky AI-animated video to go with it. Featuring the band, a family of abominable snowmen making tamales, and, of course, tamales in the sky.
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