GeminiiDRAGON breathes live fire into Portland, 1/25-26/24, with three performances

GeminiiDRAGON will be performing in PORTLAND, OR on 1/25-26/24 at these locations:

1/25/24 PNC LIVE 2:30 PM
1/25/24 Music Millenium Records in Store Performance 6PM

From the murky bayous of Louisiana comes a fresh face to the global Blues music scene. Vocal dynamo GeminiiDRAGON has channeled her love for late 60s and 70s blues artists and bands of greatness like Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Albert King, Freddie King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Koko Taylor, Jimi Hendrix, ZZ Top, Janis Joplin, Fleetwood Mac, Cream, Led Zeppelin and the supergroup Arc Angels, into a ferocious mix of blues, rock, soul and feminine power.

Her recent album, 3, brings together all of her songwriting influences and recording experience. The album features a Memphis style soul track with pulsing grooves, “I WANNA KNOW.” Next, the album sets free some dark-blues, power-rock tunes with GeminiiDragon’s signature hungry banshee singing style like “DESERT HEART”, “CLOWNS”  and “GREAT DAY.” 

TJ WONG proceeds to overheat a Texas blues guitar riff on the song, “YOU AIN’T UP TO NO GOOD” as CHAD RUPP trumpets his harmonica and GeminiiDragon spills her emotions like last week’s tears. “CHEROKEE” has river-deep, mountain-high, 70s influences on it as the Always Lovely Miss G rings vocal truth about a Native American friend and his stand for Native Pride. 

3 is an angry roadhouse collection of modern blues songs for post-modern ears.