Comments the band: “A blend of fast and massive riffs, atmospheric melodies, German lyrics and a lot of double kick action – that’s “Hamburg City Hardcore”. Lyric-wise, a wide range is covered: despite all the lightness and fun topics such as the overwhelming energy of a hardcore show and a festival holiday with the gang, there are also clear messages. Environmental destruction, the ignorance of many people and hatred on the internet are issues that concern us and require urgent action: It’s time to rebel!”
Melodic hardcore punk gang from Hamburg impresses with fast riffs, atmospheric melodies and German lyrics. Inspired by bands like Pennywise or Comeback Kid Snakes in the Pit always give 110%. They brought this energy to the stage as support for Bokassa, Bombus and Destination Anywhere.
Lyric-wise, Snakes in the Pit are all about not letting things get you down, but standing up for your wishes and ideals. The lyrics also deal with friendship and solidarity in the hardcore scene. Musically, Snakes in the Pit combine punk rock riffs with brutal hardcore elements. They rely on well-portioned screams alongside powerful but melodic vocals, uncompromising guitars, a growling bass and a well-oiled double bass kick.
What Snakes in the Pit love about hardcore is the DIY spirit, the fact that everyone can get involved and that you can achieve a lot together. They have produced their songs on their own and made their music videos with the help of fans and friends.
“4 Life” and “Zeit sich aufzulehnen” are the first two singles from their upcoming album “Hamburg City Hardcore”. It is the band’s debut album and the first release in the current line-up. The album will be released on january 26 (digital and vinyl).
Snakes In The Pit