ICYMI, this was recorded long ago and was released (leaked?) last year. I love it and think it should still be used as a beer commercial.
It’s got a reddit thread : https://www.reddit.com/r/SteelyDan/comments/155sphf/steely_dans_lostlost_schlitz_beer_jingle_found/
and a People magazine article:
“Schlitz“ is a funny word and was a cleverly-advertised, centrist, jock-oriented beer brand prior to the 1980s. I never drank any. My Chicago beer expert assures me I “didn’t miss out on much. Their malt liquor [The Bull] was OK, though.”
Schlitz is still around, relatively unadvertised: http://schlitzbrewing.com/
As for historical context, my rock expert offered, “If you listened to that Who podcast you got some ads they [The Who] cut. In light of Sells Out, [Steely Dan’s beer jingle was] not as cringey as it might be. Gotta pay those bills.”