Short-term loans can be a life-saver when you’re a few hundred pounds short of what you need. The difference between the smart use of quick loans and the poor use of these loans lies in your reason for seeking the money. Short-term loans are meant to be used for emergencies and not every situation qualifies as such. Here are five examples of situations that should have you considering a short-term loan:
1.Transport Problems
If you rely on your vehicle to travel to work, school or to transport your children, a breakdown can be a devastating loss. If you don’t live near a train station, or don’t live in an area where it is convenient to walk to and from where you need to go, getting your vehicle repaired as quickly as possible is important. A short-term loan can help you pay for necessary repairs and get you back on the road.
2.Unexpected or Forgotten Bills
Not everyone is adept at balancing their budget. On the same hand, not everyone is good at remembering quarterly bills. If you are facing a utility shut-off, turning to a short-term loan can mean the difference between being able to cook a meal and having to resort to take-away. If you’ve received notice, a quick loan can help you keep the lights burning in your flat.
3.Household Emergencies
If you live in a council house, your landlord is responsible for any malfunctioning plumbing or heating. If, on the other hand, you own your own semi or detached house, you are responsible for any repairs that need made. If your plumbing malfunctions, your radiator bursts or the ceiling collapses, do you have the funds necessary to make the needed repairs? In cases of household emergencies, short-term loans can be a wise solution to your woes. Rather than sitting in a crumbling home, you can make repairs quickly.
While short-term loans should never be taken because you need extra money for your holiday, they can be useful if you have to travel immediately due to an unforeseen circumstance. For example, if you have a friend or loved one living abroad, and that person experiences a medical emergency, you may need to drop everything on a moment’s notice and get on a plane. In these cases, short-term loans can provide you the money you need to secure transportation and accommodations.
5.When You Know the Money is Coming
Things come up in life that don’t cycle around your pay dates. Whether it’s school tuition, a head cold that needs over-the-counter medication, or your dog breaks a leg, you may need just enough money to cover you until payday. In these cases, there’s nothing wrong with taking a short-term loan. Just be sure that you aren’t taking the loan because your mates phone you for a night out.
When you utilize a short-term loan wisely, you may find it to be the answer that you need. In the cases of emergencies, short-term loans are incredibly useful. If you a situation similar to any of those above, you will find that a quick loan allows you to take care of your emergency in a timely manner.
Lizzie Godding is a financial blogger in the UK. If you need a little cash before your next paycheck, check out