Behold the first recordings from the brand new Swedish band, Fiends & Omen. Their music is seductively dark, extremely catchy and undeniably electronic.
It is a mystery as to what the two lads look like as they have no photos of themselves since they are “still trying to figure out our image,” as they said when reached by Facebook recently.
I asked them why they play electronic music and they replied: “We don’t really have a set reason as for why we play electronical music, but having played a number of different genres and tried different ideas, we found that this type of music seemingly comes naturally to the both us, so we just rolled with it. Furthermore, we discovered that this type of music grants us a creative freedom we haven’t really experienced before when working within other genres.”
I asked them if they had any idea why so much great music has come from Sweden recently. “That is a good question!” said RJ the singer. “Maybe the cold winters that forces you to stay indoors for quite a bit haha.”
Omen, the instrumentalist was asked what his influences are and took the question as an opportunity to get both personal and philosophical: “I think that I am a smelting pot of what I have enjoyed listening to over the years. So, intentional or not, there might be some stuff there that I don´t even realize myself. It´s kind of hard for me to point someone out as a big influence, since I try to avoid being to influenced by others.”
Asked the same question about influences, RJ, the singer, finished off our brief Q&A by saying he has, “Pretty much have the same answer as Omen, except for a few bands/artists that I know for a fact have had some impact on me and my singing. The three biggest examples being: Radiohead, Korn and Bladee. Radiohead I credit with getting me into singing in the first place (outside of death metal). Most of our background is actually in death metal. We made music in that genre for almost 10 years, then we started to realize that our hearts weren’t really in it anymore and so we ended up here after some time of trying things out when left to our own devices.”
So, please listen to their music. It’s great stuff!