Brevity with potency is efficient, and productive. Of this, we can all appreciate. So it occurs with this 117 page gamut by Darren McKellin.
One need not be in sales to reap the harvest of fruitful practice that emerges from the accumulated detritus of McKellin’s learning, experience and mentors. Each chapter resonates with universally applicable form that can enshroud every seeker’s fleshing out of their mind and life’s journey thru the highly analogous language of triumphant strategy.
Opening the bivalve of Eastern and Western philosophy, McKellin finds the pearl which lay hidden in the meaty folds. Espousing constructively handling the potentially irritating reality of gain and loss, the nacre which coats this grain of sand is layered constructively and the result is pleasant, beautiful and inspiring.
We are ever surrounded by earthly realities that flow and form, begging the cool & flexibility of our inner spring of water, lest the power of their fire burn us. Aiding our adjusting of sails in unknown winds, in vast emptiness of potential, Mind Over Sales teaches us how to work with the fire and steam to our visualized port.