Lenni Revel Debuts Vulnerable New Single From Comeback Album

Lenni Revel is no stranger to the music industry and its price. Her first song debuted when she was 21 years old and even then she was more focused on her physical image and body than her voice and her music. The business made her a cookie cutter pop star that was on the train to success, but left her on the edge. She ended up being institutionalized from her deep traumas caused by the industry and now seeks to speak the truth about her past and her life within it.

With her series of releases and an album, she hopes to pour light on the hidden darkness within all of us. She isn’t running away from her haunted past, but using it to spread love and truth.

In Lenni’s own words: “Music is not what I thought it was. I tried to use it when I was younger – to dance, to sing, to be seen a certain way. But when I wasn’t looking, music changed me. It changed my voice and the way I see and feel things. Today, my relationship with music is the way it should be. Music uses me now-to sing of a thousand things that have to do with the soul and the heart. It’s time I paid music back for the years I stole from it. ‘Unbroken’ is my first payment.”

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