Swedish Superband, 2 FAR OUT, unleashes miraculously good “What A Guy” video for first single from upcoming Debut EP ‘Sucker For Heartaches’

2 FAR OUT explains: “This explosive song invites you back into the early 2000s when life was a little bit more about fun but with today’s sound! A skate punk experience you just can’t miss! The song and music video revolves around a high school “fuck boy” who thinks he can get any girl he wants, but don’t let yourself be fooled – he might be in over his head”.

Drawing inspiration from the likes of Blink-182, Green Day, and Machine Gun Kelly, 2 Far Out’s music is an intoxicating blend of nostalgia and modernity.

The dynamic trio consists of Efraim Leo on vocals, Jakob Karlberg on guitar, and Max Johansen on drums. Together the members have several hundred million streams and thousands of hours of live shows via their individual careers. Behind the scenes, Platinum awarded songwriter/producer and co-founder of 2 FAR OUT, Palle Hammarlund, weaves his magic as the 4th member, adding a touch of genius to their songs and sound.