Stardust Hitchhikers by Paul Johnson

I stood on the land and looked at the ocean
when something inside said, “You better get going.”

I said, “I’m not ready, I don’t have a ride,”
and then an innertube surfed up on the tide.

I said, “How can it be this is all there is for me?!”
then something inside said to “Go for a ride.”

So I floated for days up and down on the waves until cresting one high
I saw an innertube, and this guy.

The waves were convergent and brought us together.
Our smiles were contagious and hell-bent for leather.

He asked where I came from, and I said, “From the land,
where the black top and pavement turn into the sand.”

He said, “I’m from the river that runs to the sea.
I could not resist… I suspect you’re like me.”

So we joined together and made a new land,
from the jetsam and flotsam until we could stand.

And atop our new ladder we looked near and far
and saw three ladder towers, three people and a bar.

Paddling and kicking we inched towards our goal
till breathless & grateful we stood on that shoal.

Uncertain and weakened we hung our heads low
till loudly a whistle called. “Hang them no more.”

So up from the water I dared raise my eyes…
to see three women dressed up as Lords of the Skies.

Their plumage was reckless and burned by the sun,
yet they seem so delighted with what they had done.

They offered us outfits and taught us to dance,
removing forever our thoughts about chance.

So we joined together to make a new land.
From the Jetsom and flotsam until we could stand.

Till a top our new ladder we looked far and wide
and saw star beams and moon beams alive in the sky.

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