Search Results for: lawrence spaulding

Wailing and Lamentation… or Sigh – Hard-Hitting Polical Analysis, By Lawrence Spaulding

Here we go again. Cue: The left commentariet decrying the sell-out Democratic President and Congress for negotiating and supporting legislation that no good progressive would get near. Cue: The right commentariet bewails the Republican Congressional leadership for giving in to Pres Obama, the Keyser Soze of American politics. It is probably of little value to …

Will Progressives Treat BHO Better than Conservatives Treated GHWB?, by Lawrence Spaulding

So much gets presented as a challenge to President Obama, but his leadership style really asks more of his base and the American people: patience, a sense of history, an understanding of the modest limits of politics and our governing institutions. Obama seems to have these—do we? – Lawrence Spaulding Now, doesn’t that feel better? …

Don’t Be Co-opted by the Naive, Even Dangerous, Viewpoint that Obama’s Tax Cuts/Unemployment Deal is Not Good for Democrats, by Lawrence Spaulding

. Please, please, please tell me that you are not ready to be co-opted by the naive and even dangerous view that is being adopted by too many already that the tax cuts/unemployment benefits deal that Pres. Obama just worked out with Republican leaders is somehow a bad deal, that he got rolled, or that …

East Portland’s Own Esperanza Spalding Wins Grammy for Best New Artist

For perhaps the first time in Grammy Award history, the winner of the Best New Artist Grammy is actually an artist. East Portland’s hot, young and talented jazz bassist Esperanza Spalding surprised everyone by beating out Youtube sensation and all around nice guy, Justin Bieber. Immediately after her victory, outraged Bieber fans hacked Esperanza’s Wikipedia …


Neoconservatives accuse Barack Obama of leading the United States down the road to communism. In reality, mainstream Democrats have become more fiscally conservative since the Cold War era. Obama is no more economically radical than Richard Nixon, whose presidency produced the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, increased spending on social programs, …