More than Thriller or Sledgehammer, this is the 80s vid to which I keep returning. Not because it’s good. Or beautiful. Heavens no. It makes me sad to report that this troupe of costumed hipsters and rhythmless dancers are well past 50. As kids they were English. They’re British now. They’d never heard of Starbuck’s …
The Portland Mercury describes Nasalrod in this way: “Witnessing a Nasalrod show is like watching the guy at the freak show hammer nails into his nose. It’s a fascinating and perplexing display of talent and pure lunacy. Chairman, the band’s crazy-eyed hyperactive front man, flails around the room with complete disregard for his own personal …
This vid was posted to Youtube in November of 2008, but could just as easily be true today or ten years earlier, in 1998, or in 1988, 1978 or 1968: . Here are some bands mentioned in the above video: . . . .
This animated gif appeared on Reddit this morning with the title, “Just makes you feel good.”
The Examiner article below, which has supporting video, reports that Michelle Bachman has obliquely suggested taxing unmarried parents at a higher rate than married parents. This will enervate both sides. She doesn’t seem to understand, or is conveniently ignoring, provisions in the current tax code which ALREADY bestow benefits upon married people and promote family …
Thanks to Steve Stav for this: . .