
Mike Hughes’ Complete SXSW Coverage

Mike Hughes, friend of East Portland Blog and proprietor of, had an excellent week at South By Southwest (SXSW), the Austin, Texas music festival which takes place annually in March and has become a celebration of the globe’s newest, strongest, wildest, hottest, firmest, most interesting and best music. A world class photographer, young Mike …

Chilly Gonzales Brings Piano Talk Show to Portland’s Alberta Rose Theater on 4/9 and Seattle’s Triple Door on 4/10

The one & only Chilly Gonzales will be performing one of his infamous Piano Talk Shows at the Alberta Rose Theater on April 9! Chilly’s been performing his Piano Talk Shows for several years; some of them feature guests, but mostly he raps, often complains and, between moments of utter musical genius and grace, teaches …

Portland’s Own (?) Yacht to Perform at Portland’s Mississippi Studios on 3/29 and in Salem at Wulupalooza on 4/21

According to Wikipedia, YACHT is “an American band from Portland, Oregon, Marfa, Texas, and Los Angeles, CA.” Whatever their origins, they will perform Thursday, 3/29 at Portland’s Mississippi Studios and in Salem at Wulupalooza on 4/21. (Complete tour info is here.) The dance duo, Claire Evans and Jona Bechtolt, will be playing tracks off their …