. Seattle hip hop fusion ensemble, The Staxx Brothers, will perform a concert at the Historic Everett Theatre (2911 Colby Avenue, Everett, WA), with 20 Riverside, the Jackson High School Big Band, the Edmonds Community College Big Band, DJ Bebop and jazz-rockers Omega III from Everett High, on April 23, 2011, at 8 pm, with …
Thanks to Steve Elowson:
The song is titled “Plain,” and is available on Silkworm’s LIFESTYLE LP (2000, Touch & Go Records). . .
Friday is hauntingly beautiful at this speed. Yes. Truly. Would make an excellent soundtrack:
Firstly, a short introduction: By way of The Joy Formidable and SXSW, I first met Dave Kennedy at the NPR showcase. His own enthusiasm for a little band from Wales was on par with my own, and that was enough for me to begin inquiries into his mental state. But he’s alright and now he’s …
Hi Marc: Glad you’re back in the Sonny "saddle"! By the by, I just found The Holy Grail, at least re: The Paisley Underground: "Tell Me When it’s Over"/"Still Holding on to You": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww5DJjiH_zQ&feature=related The Dream Syndicate’s greatest song, medleyed with the best one from their otherwise mediocre 2nd album/major label debut (not released ’til …
Heard this on the radio and figured it’s time to reprise it: “You mean there was one before?” “No, two. But they would not have me…” .
Here’s Jared from the cellphone store’s second choice for great bands from the Philippines, Typecast. They are enormously popular with some of their videos drawing two million plus views on Youtube. Singer, Steve “Daddio” Badiola, reminds me a lot of Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, and a dozen other projects …
. FBI page re Christopher Wallace with downloadable pdfs. Time magazine article on the subject. Thanks to Boing Boing. .
. For more information visit http://beastieboys.com/ .
. My picks for the Best Albums Of 2011 so far, in order, below (plus samples for some); . Eleventh Dream Day: Riot Now! New York Dolls: Dancing Backward In High Heels Wanda Jackson: The Party Ain’t Over SYCH (Wally Shoup, C. Spencer Yeh, Chris Corsano, Bill Horist): Lunar Roulette Faust: Something Dirty Sonny Simmons …
There is no doubt that Bearsuit is a band that will provoke a strong and somewhat immediate response from listeners. As a litmus test for this theory, I offer up one of the band’s new singles, “When Will I Be Queen?” Many listeners will love it; many others will positively despise it. Personally, I share …
. According to the group’s publicist: The 4-song EP includes the anthemic, synth-fueled tracks “Demons,” ” Stone Bridge” and “Lies” from the forthcoming full length that has already been bringing the band buzz from UK tastemakers including NME, BBC 1, and Q Magazine. Fenech-Soler’s music draws from a diverse group of influences ranging from The …
Two versions of the same song, recorded in the same city- Chicago- many years apart. Muddy’s 1947 recording, with Ernest “Big” Crawford on stand-up bass, established him as a blues star and altered forever Leonard Chess’ ideas about music. The Stones’ 1964 version, recorded at Chess Studio, went nowhere commercially, but reworked and re-imagined the …
This song has been the most popular song on Indian radio so far in 2011. It’s mostly in Hindi, but has lots of English. Lyrics are in the lower left. – Robert http://youtu.be/hcKtDXUb6Cg