This little Youtube clip is a national treasure. Click on the photo above or view here –
Thanks to Mark Erickson for this:
My UW friend Lou Trez and his band, Quickie, released this song on April 11, 2010 and since then it’s been viewed 120,000 times. Now the video is drawing attention in China, where it is discussed in this Chinese language news report. Only in America, only in Seattle…
The latest from Seattle‘s Unnatural Helpers is a video expressive of club rock’s gut level punch and fevered intensity, featuring anger, barbecue and vomiting (in a good way). To go straight to the vomiting, click here:
A few things. Grynch‘s new tune is lovely, hook-laden and sweetly touching. Song is about a car and not remotely obscene, but uses connection word obscenities to denote generational authenticity. Be warned, if suchlike bothers you. AND, for those of you who don’t live in Seattle, this video shows exactly what Seattle looks and feels …