
Tom Ricks Is Just Getting Started

Thomas Ricks followed up his Fresh Air interview with some choice words about Trump in Politico: For those unfamiliar with Ricks, he has been one of the leading writers on the American military for the last two decades. His book Fiasco is the definitive work on the Iraq War, and his influence is such …

Roasted Dandelion Root Smells Like Chocolate Chip Cookies Baking and the Best Syrup You’ve Ever Tasted, by Jill Kuhel

Tuesday eating from your yard tip~Dandelions are a treasure trove of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A,C,K and B6. The flowers, leaves and roots are edible. The green parts are bitter, but the yellow of the flower is not. I throw several young dandelion leaves in my daily salad. The bitter of the leaves stimulates …

The Final Chapter, by Mark Erickson

On March 13, 2017, two former administrators from Pedophilia State University pled guilty to child endangerment after years of maintaining their innocence. Tim Curley, the former athletic director, and Gary Schultz, a former vice president, apparently thought the plea deal and their testimony at the upcoming trial of their former supervisor, former PSU President Graham …

California’s Snowpack, 2015 and Now, by Chuck Strom

The Gray Lady, otherwise known as the New York Times, posted a photo comparison between the current Sierra Nevada snowpack and that of two years ago: The difference is striking. Not that California’s out of the woods yet. The state used a lot of its groundwater to make up the shortfall two years ago, …

An Estimated Two Hundred Thousand March In Seattle For Equality and Against Donald Trump, by Holly Homan

On Saturday January 21 people from all over the world marched in solidarity with marchers in Washington D.C. The march was to protest the newly sworn in 45th president of the United States and his statements about and behavior toward women. It’s been no secret that Donald Trump says he divorced his first wife because …

Trump’s Inauguration Brings Various All Day Protests Around Seattle, by Holly Homan

On Friday January 20, the United States got its first fascist president. (Miriam Webster defines fascism as a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition) …

President Trump, Please Abandon the Wasteful and Ineffective F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, by Mark Erickson

The Center for Defense Information (CDI) was founded in 1971 by a group of retired military officers to analyze military matters, inform decision-makers and the public, and influence policy. CDI had three primary goals: 1) avert a nuclear war with the Soviet Union; 2) end the Vietnam War; and, 3) monitor the military-industrial complex. CDI …