
Thousands Rally and March In Seattle To Protest the Decision To Turn Seattle’s Waterways Into an Artic Oil Super Highway For Shell, by Holly Homan

Last January, the Port of Seattle irresponsibly gave Shell the go-ahead to use Seattle as home base for its Arctic drilling operations. They ignored Shell’s terrible safety record, the very high risk of a major Arctic oil spill, and devastating impacts to our climate. The Port Commissioners hoped the deal would go unnoticed. The non-profit …

The Pallid Pilgrim Recommends: FOUR FAB FILMS FROM THE 1980’s GOLDEN ERA OF BASEBALL MOVIES, by Rich Horton

The start of baseball season is still several weeks away. But in the meantime, your own Spring Training should include watching four particular fabulous baseball films from the 1980’s. Frankly, it’s hard to go wrong with a baseball film; every decade has had great ones. But for some reason, the ’80s were a particularly golden …

Bill Simmons Post – SNL at 40‏, by Chuck Strom

Here’s a good Bill Simmons piece on the SNL 40 special: I actually managed to catch most of it last night, though I wasn’t even aware it was on until partway through. The one comment I would add is that Paul Simon’s appearance at the end was a little dispiriting. His voice sounded every …

Jack Bruce RIP, by Pat Thomas

There are unconfirmed reports that bassist/vocalist Jack Bruce is dead. Frankly, that matters little, as I’ve enjoyed his presence for decades and it won’t diminish now. I carry a copy of his solo LPs “Songs For a Tailor” and “Harmony Row” with me at all times. As a teenager, those Cream records became rooted into …

Random thoughts at the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, from a husband of someone with Stage IV breast cancer, by Steve Stav

Random thoughts at the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, from a husband of someone with Stage IV breast cancer: 1. There are no losers in the “battle;” some just run out of time. 2. There are an awful lot of people with breast cancer out there, women (and men), who have go through this …