
Everyone Loves Kalle Anka

Here’s an article in Slate on Sweden’s love of Donald Duck, or Kalle Anka, which literally translates to Charlie Duck. It’s an interesting take on Swedish culture and the appeal of similar cultural icons, especially during the holidays. – Chuck Strom

A Schooner of Madison Memories… by John X. Ambrosavage (with Rimkus!)

Rimkus!’s old pal – and Pacific Northwest National Treasure cartoonist – Ambrosavage was born and raised “across the (proverbial) tracks” on the blue collar side of Madison Wisconsin in the 50’s and 60’s, where he is presently spending the holidays with his Dad (now in his 90’s) – an original swingin’ “Mad Men” who worked …

U.S. Should Not Re-Establish Military Bases in the Philippines, by Mark Erickson

During Sunday’s Viking/Bear debacle, the network aired a commercial/PSA that reminded viewers to remember 9/11, honor the troops stationed abroad, and that the United States has troops stationed in 175 countries. Parenthetically, the United States has over 800 bases located throughout the world. In today’s Wall Street Journal, Andrew Browne wrote an article about China …

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Greeted By Protestors in Seattle, by Holly Homan

It’s Thursday night September 5 and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is in town. His appearance at the Washington Policy Center dinner at the posh Seattle Sheraton barred all reporters. Outside, however, about three-hundred people took over the street in front of the hotel holding signs saying things like “Not In Our State” or “Governor Walker …

Seattle Teachers Gather On Busy Intersections Throughout the City In Protest of A Bad Contract Offer, By Holly Homan

On Thursday August 29th thirty percent of Seattle Schools SEA represented staff voted nearly unanimously to reject the contract proposal offered by the district. The district refuses to reduce the case load for support staff (counselors, psychologists, physical therapists, etc.), they want to increase the work day by thirty minutes without compensation and want to …

Why is the United States Now Arming Al-Qaeda? By Mark Erickson

In April 2013, The White House accused Syrian President Bashar Assad’s shi’ite forces of using sarin gas, a deadly nerve agent banned by international treaty, on a “small scale” against rebel sunni factions. Russia denounced the allegation of sarin gas use, calling the evidence “unconvincing.” Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff …