
Preschoolers and Art: It’s More Than Coloring in the Lines

Approximately 64 percent of the nation’s children attend preschool prior to entering kindergarten. Preschool, in part, teaches children social skills and enhances behavioral traits needed to succeed in the educational environment. While these are important aspects of a preschool environment, what is often ignored is the importance of art in the preschool setting. Today’s educational …

Movies Where People Really Talk to Each Other, By Chuck Strom

Before Sunrise, Directed by Richard Linklater, Columbia Pictures, 1995. Before Sunset, Directed by Richard Linklater, Warner Independent Pictures, 2004. Those of you who listen to NPR or read the New York Times probably know already that a third movie in director Richard Linklater’s “Before” Series has been released recently: Before Midnight. In this installment Linklater …

Tips for Night Driving on Rural Roads

There is a mistaken sense of security that comes with driving on rural roads, and that can actually be considered a large part of their danger. You might think traveling on roads with much less traffic is safer, but in reality, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that twice as many accidents happen in …

Obesity: Is Soda to Blame?

When New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg moved to ban super-sized sodas he brought to light a huge problem in America today: Obesity. With two-thirds of Americans being overweight or obese, Bloomberg’s efforts were applauded by many. Even the iconic Coca-Cola weighed in recently declaring “obesity the issue of this generation.” While many have cited …

4 Can’t-Miss Beaches in Vietnam

Vietnam may not be the first place that you think of when it comes to planning a beach getaway, but it’s quickly gaining popularity as a strong choice, thanks to over 3,400 kilometers of coastline characterized by powdery sand beaches, secluded tropical islands and jungle forests. Keep reading to learn about some Vietnamese beaches that …

Common Myths About Your Credit

Are you well-versed when it comes to your credit? If you’re not, don’t worry: You aren’t alone. Many people have false notions when it comes to their credit and credit reports. Whether you’re trying to get out of debt or preparing to make a major purchase, understanding exactly how things work is important. Here are …