Whether you’re growing out a pixie cut or just want to gain a few inches on your medium length hair, as soon as people know that you’re trying to adopt a longer hair style, you’re going to be bombarded with advice. While some hair-growing tips are tried and true, others are nothing but hype. Here …
It doesn’t matter how old they are or what time of year it is, parents are always planning for the summer. When you’re working long hours, you don’t want the kids to stay home all day when they could have a chance to exercise their minds, build social skills, and enrich themselves with new experiences. …
The soundtrack for the upcoming motion picture, A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Swan III will feature an original score by Liam Hayes, a songwriter who has made music under the name Plush since the early 90’s. The soundtrack is available February 5th for digital download and March 19th on CD and LP on …
Killer Show by John Barylick is a great Bugliosi-style book about the Great White concert fire in Rhode Island that killed 100. This book describes how a group of head-bangers, suffering from various degrees of chemical dependency, and with a collective average IQ of maybe 80, gather, balls to the wall, in a wood-frame roadhouse, …
In the beginning, this video of an alleged Bigfoot sighting in Oregon’s Christmas Valley looks like outtakes from the old Bonanza program. Little Joe rode through terrain like this every week on his way to getting beaten up in Virginia City. Then Hoss would ride through the same terrain on his way to save Little …
A television spot is incredibly expensive to produce and broadcast, so companies want their advertising to be memorable. The reason Super Bowl commercials go viral is because they are designed to do so. You cannot shell out $3.5 million for 30 seconds of air time without making it count. Here is a look at 10 …
Most of you probably know that January 22, was the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade, but what many probably don’t know is one of the attorneys who argued in front of the Supreme Court for Roe v. Wade, is a woman named Sarah Weddington. In honor of this groundbreaking anniversary, Seattle’s Planned Parenthood hosted …
Recently, in a nearly unanimous vote, the staff at Seattle’s Garfield HS decided to refuse to administer the district’s Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test. In doing this, educators at Garfield HS have struck out against the overuse and misuse of standardized tests. Seattle Schools spt. Jose Banda had this to say in an e …
It is virtually impossible to get your business off the ground without being able to process credit cards, not to mention without developing your online presence. That means choosing a merchant account is one of the most important things to think about when you’re starting out. It shouldn’t be something you rush through, either. Researching …
Here’s a complete guide to STD testing from STDTesting.org. There is useful information there for anyone of any age and here’s a list of Free STD Testing Locations and Resources in Portland, Oregon. No one wants to think of their parents, much less their grandparents, getting frisky. No matter what we like to think, sex …
It’s a fact that 90 percent of small business start-ups fail within the first year. While there are many factors that contribute to this failure, one of them is the lack of hiring business services. While you may have a fantastic idea and the ability to get your company off of the ground, you don’t …
Sorry I’m just not buying the Sandy Hook cover up video. With all due respect, that guy should have put his energy into the next (fraudulent) Holocaust denial video. Sometimes horrible things happen and we weep for the right reason. Sometimes we try to make sense of chaos, confusion and conflicting reports. I can dig …
Disgraced doper-cyclist Lance Armstrong begins his comeback attempt tonight, as he talks to Oprah Winfrey. Reportedly confesses to Oprah Winfrey that he cycled drugs through his blood in an elaborate international cheating scheme that would make rebuilding Steve Austin seem like a mundane affair, by comparison. Perhaps Lance – coached by a small army of …
OK everyone can keep their guns as long as we don’t let Alex Jones have anything sharper than a steak knife. I am pro Second Amendment within reason. I’m pretty sure Alex Jones is going to accidentally shoot a puppy in the face in a pressure situation. How can he shoot straight freaking out like …
As the new year begins, small businesses are starting off with daunting times ahead. With an increase in taxes, slow economic growth and the status of the credit market where it is now, small to medium sized businesses will need to pay closer attention to their strategies. Proper marketing, consumer communication and building trust will …
I just heard that Richard Ben Cramer passed away. I have his DiMaggio biography, and I had heard that he was working on one of Alex Rodriguez. I had looked forward to reading it. It is a sad day for sports literature. – Chuck Strom http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/08/us/politics/richard-ben-cramer-dies-at-62-chronicled-presidential-politics.html
Two women, including one of my friends, lost most of their possessions when a U-Haul truck they were loading got hijacked early January 6. My friend lost all of her clothing, including a brand-new Christmas dress she hadn’t even worn yet. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Its-like-being-down-and-having-somebody-kick-you-185821162.html Additional Info regarding the stolen UHaul truck: Incident report # is 13-6074 – …
You may think that only children are afraid of needles, but you’d be wrong. Many adults possess a fear of needles that can rival that suffered by little ones. Unfortunately, that fear of needles can cause many adults to forego blood work that could ultimately save their lives. If you’ve been avoiding the doctor because …
The driving force behind Seattle band Sledgeback is Gabi Hun, a force of nature who began playing in punk bands in his native Hungary back in the early nineties. Sledgeback looks the part of seasoned punk rockers. They’ve been around the punk rock world a few times and they sport piercings and chains hanging off …
I like the idea of an over-the-top gothic Gatsby for the 21st Century, and this version of Fitzgerald’s novel looks like it could be an amazing ride in 3D. I only wish they’d gone for period music in the soundtrack, or orchestral music simulating period music, or even electro dance pop incorporating period music. Gatsby …
Here was Davin Michael Stedman‘s initial response to the mighty, Django Unchained: “Holy sh#tballs I just saw my favorite Tarantino movie. Django was so great I don’t want you to go into the theater with expections that may diminish its impact. It’s like Moonrise Kingdom. Leave expectations at the door and let the master do …
When your loved one needs more daily assistance than you can provide, it’s time to start looking for an assisted living facility. Rather than the complete care that a nursing home provides, an assisted living facility will help your loved one maintain his or her independence while still providing help with day-to-day activities as necessary. …
Click to Enlarge ImageChristmas Tree Fire Safety Selecting Christmas Trees: Needles should be green and hard to pull back from the branches Trunk should be sticky to the touch Bounce the tree trunk on the ground if lots of needles fall off it’s dried out Caring: Do not place your tree …
You might envision Tunisia as a wonderful place for an exotic holiday. Most tourists love visiting the tiny African nation because you’re right in the middle of so many different landscapes – beaches, desert, mountains, and cities. But Tunisia also has plenty to do for the whole family, and if you’re thinking about bringing the …
The trailer for this movie makes the production look very deftly imagined and well-acted. This entire genre, however, the “my parents don’t understand my band and my long-suffering girlfriend can’t cope with my success” genre, is almost always disappointing. As my friend Rich Horton says, “To be fair, the whole ‘(our) band is daring to …
There are many reasons why you might be interested in a law enforcement job. In many areas, these jobs are recession-proof, they offer stability and prestige and they can also help you bring in great salaries. However, landing a job in law enforcement can be tricky. There is a lot of competition, so you will …
Whether you work as a nurse now, or plan to do so in the future, get set for long hours. Shifts of 12 hours or longer are common, particularly in hospital settings. However, the good news is that often you’ll have a shorter work week in general, so that when you have days off, it’ll …
A geographic information systems analyst is responsible for tracking information on everything from a projected storm path to what impact an oil spill will have. The job certainly has its stressful moments, but more than 55 percent of those currently in this field consider the job low stress. Granted, there is a place for exciting …