On September 5, 1957, this book was published. I first read it 32 years ago. My two most vivid memories are 1) the shock of realizing that the events in the book took place between 1947 and 1950 and not in the late 50s/early 60s. 2) my Dad telling me (I was 16 yrs old …
Excellent ca. 1985 interview wit’ The Great Gore, somehow unpublished ’til now! Enjoy, Tom http://www.brooklynrail.org/2012/09/express/a-life-of-reflection-invention-gore-vidal-1925-2012 P.S. Manifest Destiny, referred to several times in the text, was eventually published as Empire, in 1987! In the end it was not the concluding book in Gore’s American History series (aka “Narratives of Empire”), that honor …
It’s fun to learn new and exciting ways to do the everyday chores in our lives, it simply makes things more interesting. With home cleaning, many people have no idea that there are a variety of inexpensive, wacky alternatives to house cleaning, whether it’s cleaning the dishwasher, keeping your jeans healthy, or removing a horrible …
Businesses thrive on productivity. And the process from start to finish is critical for their overall survival, especially in the age of internet business competition and technology. TRANSPORTATION Transportation could mean the gain or loss of customer sales. So a business needs to move their products as efficiently as possible. Whether it’s shipping raw goods, …
Heartburn, or acid reflux, is a common ailment that results in pain or a burning sensation in the chest. Although heartburn may not be chronic for everyone, it is estimated than an average of 20 percent of Americans experience heartburn at least once each week, and 40 percent suffer at least once each month. If …
This is a stone classic of journalistic ineptitude, with Lou Reed actually doing his best to be somewhat cordial & kind to the clueless dolt from Sweden who’s been sent to "interview" him, ca. mid-’90s! – Tom Kipp
First of all, I’d like to know what constitutes a “good” teacher. Do you think it’s test scores? Do you realize that Sweden is purported to have the best performing schools in the world. They do not use standardized tests,, they pay their teachers a livable wage, they have socialized health care, they put their …
When it comes to short term credit solutions there is hardly anything as useful as the logbook loan. There are a plethora of benefits that you can avail with the help of logbook loans. In today’s world availing a loan is not at all an easy task because loan providers now days adhere to stricter …
August 27, 2012 – Seattle, WA – On Monday, there was only one library open in all of Seattle: the People’s Library. Located on the plaza outside of the Douglass-Truth Library in the Central District, the open air library has everything a library should have: books, computers, and even arts and crafts activities for the …
Finger foods are making a comeback and are no longer just popular for kids’ parties. Finger foods can be a big hit for casual and formal get togethers alike. When considering finger foods, one must take into account the kind of party and preparation and cleanup. Here are five great finger foods for any occasion, …
You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: your home is likely to be the single most important purchase that you will make during your lifetime. It’s also likely to be the most expensive. Though a standard 30-year mortgage helps to spread the cost of home ownership down through the years, it’s still a hefty …
OK, so I don’t usually rant, but this one absolutely kills me. I would simply write this guy off as a harmless old crackpot if there weren’t so many people buying into the utterly reprehensible tripe that he dresses up as wholesome Christian advice. Here he dares to speak of children as though they were …
Few activities are likely to make you feel more like a pauper than shopping for a new auto. Whether it’s a new model or simply new to you, everyone is looking for way to stretch a pound without incurring expensive repairs shortly after the purchase. A quality auto on a budget is possible, and the …
If that new smell car is calling to you, then you may be feeling overwhelmed with all the options now available on the market. Should you get a sleek sports car? Maybe you should consider a family minivan. Do you want all the bells and whistles? Here are a few things to consider before you …
The best part of having a camper is the ability to pick up and go whenever the mood strikes. If your camper isn’t as ready as you are, your spontaneity can be severely interrupted. If you and your family are the types that like to pick up and go at a moment’s notice, it’s important …
10 yrs ago my dad wrote me this note and hid it my stuff, I’m just seeing it now for the first time. Aren’t my parents wonderful, loving people? They are completely unlike this close-minded fellow, Victor Lundberg, who had a top ten hit in 1967 with this recitation record below… – Pat Thomas is …
The business world is incredibly complex, and good leadership goes a long way toward ensuring success. However, good leadership is difficult to define, especially since every organization has unique needs. That’s why strategy plays an important role in the long-term success of any enterprise whether it’s large or small. Every leader needs to be able …
For the sole proprietor, knowing when to take on an employee can be difficult. Not only will you have to start paying someone a salary, but you may feel as though you’re giving up some of the control that you’ve enjoyed. Having to rely on someone else to complete the work that you’ve been doing …
Neither Paul Ryan nor almost any other spending ‘hawks’ — dem or repub — talk about cutting military spending. Which accounts for 20% of the budget and has increased 14 years in a row (a feat we didn’t even see during the Cold War). Mindboggling, when you look at this list of spending per country …
It was my birthday on August 16th, the same day that Elvis died by chance, and also the day of a friend’s memorial service. Unable to take the day off from work, I did somehow manage to attend the funeral and as I sat down for the service, all I could think was that I …
I love Don Delillo‘s novels, and serenely enjoyed, Cosmopolis, his short novel/long-short story of a few years ago. I wouldn’t have guessed that it could be made into a movie, however, as the text was low in the action quotient. Well, live and learn. It’s out soon as a movie with everyone’s favorite cuckolded vampire …
The new independent feature film WALK-IN which will be showing at the Laurelhurst Theater in Portland starting September 21st. This film is based on a bestselling book from Scott Blum, was filmed entirely in Oregon, and recently played to sold out crowds at the Varsity Theatre in Ashland. You can view the trailer here:
Your outdoor living space can become an extension of your home and your own private retreat. Before this can happen, you need to take control of the weather and elements. With the right canopy or enclosure, you can enjoy having shade from the sun and protection from the rain. Here a few different options you …
Sharing files between computers is fairly simple. That is, it’s simple when all of the computers within that network use the same OS. Macs and PCs don’t have a good history when it comes to working together; they’re the computing equivalent of the most dysfunctional married couple someone could imagine. There are ways to make …
This year, Rosh Hashanah– the Jewish High Holidays or the Jewish New Year– will fall on September 16. For this time frame, I was hired to re-write a fundraiser letter for a Jewish Community Center in London. As I looked into it, I was a nudged from my comfortable spot of complacency. I learned something …
No matter how well things are going, unexpected problems can arise at any moment. Some of those problems can be a huge threat to someone’s financial stability. Debt is more than a number on a spread sheet, it’s a commitment. Money can’t simply be given back once it’s spent, and while bankruptcy is always an …
I’m an angry man. Not a day goes by when I don’t feel infuriated by one thing or another. A friend took me to lunch at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills. We were in the middle of a stimulating conversation that lasted more than two hours. The restaurant was almost empty, with no one …