Chapter Twenty-Six Keith woke me in the morning with several kisses. “Wake up, sleepy head. It’s already ten.” I opened one eye. “No, let me sleep. Je pense J’ai la crève.” I wasn’t kidding. I ached everywhere and my face felt like it was inflated it with a bicycle pump. “I fixed you breakfast.” Keith …
Chapter Twenty-Five A one-hour flight dropped me at Orly with enough time to grab a chocolate milkshake before legging it for the flight to Brest. I sat down to drink my milkshake, stashed my bag under my chair and wrapped the straps around my legs. I kept a wary eye out in case any scoundrels …
I am walking in a bog and can’t see my way to the other side. That’s how life can feel when you discover you are embarking into the current sandwich generation. I have always hated that term. Who wants to be thought of as the meat packed down between one slice of bread, your kids, …
Chapter Twenty-Three (Continued) Keith chuckled. I grabbed a pillow and whacked him several times. “That’s not funny, you twit!” He pushed me back onto the bed. “What’s your hurry? I want to shag all morning.” “I need the loo, and I’m starving. Is there room service?” “Oui. What do you fancy?” “Surprise me. Should we …
Here’s Jimmy Kimmel’s touching tribute to his Uncle Frank, a 20 year New York cop and 20 year Caesar’s Palace Security guard, who passed away recently and was part of Jimmy Kimmel Live. Frank was so natural on camera that, if I had seen any of these skits the first time around, I would have …
Chapter Twenty-One “Bloody hell! How could you forget that?” “Me? You’re the one pouring champagne down my throat. For some reason you find amusement getting me drunk. La vache! I better not be up the duff. A baby would spoil everything.” “Fucking right about that. What about that new pill that prevents pregnancy?” “I’d be …
Love this. It reminds me of those mornings when you are just not with it. You keep thinking of the hairstyle someone is wearing or what you are going to eat after church. Pretty bad, I know. – Natasha Spence “Sometimes When we worship, we don’t really mean it. This is what it would look …
Chapter Nineteen I sat stunned. Did I hear right or was I wishing so hard I imagined it? I was catapulted back to reality when everyone with me yelled, “You won!” Keith grabbed me for a quick kiss, whispering something like love conquers all. My mother took about a hundred pictures and I was sure …
Chapter Seventeen “All our fucking instruments were stolen. The van is all smashed. Bloody hell!” Ryan continued. “Everything’s fucking gone! How the hell will I explain this to my dad.” “We’ll meet you in the lobby,” I said. Ryan left and Keith slammed the door. “Fuckin’ aye! My brand new Telecaster! I’ve wanted that guitar …
Whatever she’s singing, Alanis Morissette’s voice fosters instant 90s nostalgia:
For some reason, many Facebookers were mourning the passing of Bob Denver and posting news of his death as if it had happened today when in fact it took place six years ago. MSNBC story is here.
Chapter Sixteen I heard my father’s spoon hit the floor. “When did this happen?” “First of the month, on his nineteenth birthday.” “What on earth made you go back to him?” my mother asked. She looked horrified. I looked at them both. “I’m in love, that’s what.” “You have deceived me the whole time, haven’t …
I noticed something while milling around the heavily populated Minnesota State Fair this year – I felt invisible. I have heard of the phenomenom before. My father in his 70’s remarked that people look right past him. At first I thought he was indulging in a moment of elderly self-pity, but now I think he …
Trailer provided by Video Detective I was watching the A&E TV show “Heavy” on Netflix recently. Each episode shows two morbidly obese people trying to lose weight and drastically change their lifestyle over a six month period. They are aided in their journey by two trainers, a psychologist and a dietician. Two things came to …
Chapter Fourteen The remainder of summer was uneventful except Keith drove me bonkers, pressuring me to go home with him. He finally laid off when I threatened to boycott his shows. School finally started, but my mind was constantly on Keith. It took all my willpower sleeping in my own bed every night, but I …
The Swedish fire academy vid (above) shows something that, although impressive, is really just a gimmicky stunt. The possibility of implementing such a technique at an active fire is very small. Cool to watch, but not all that practical. It’s the type of thing that’s thought up by people with an excess of both time …
It still seems slightly preposterous that they will rent you a kayak and camping equipment, sight unseen, and set you off on your own into the North Sea with a vague arrangement to meet you somewhere down the coast in 6 days time. The arrangements en route were also, at first sight, a little ‘loose’ …
Full recipe is here.
Yes, this is a great country for the downwardly mobile! – John Ambrosavage “September 7, 2010 my house burned down. From late September until April 30 I lived in a lovely house that the insurance company rented. Now I am a motivational speaker who lives in a van down by the river. If that sentence …