Here’s the latest from the BBC. Eric Bell, whom Moore replaced in Thin Lizzy, when reached for comment, said “I still can’t believe it. He was so robust, he wasn’t a rock casualty, he was a healthy guy.” Here’s Moore with Bell on “Whiskey in the Jar”: And here’s Moore solo with “Still Got the …
Here’s more in the Huffington Post.
Both Aaron Rodgers and Tonya Harding are alums of Beaverton’s Whitford Middle School:
Here’s Bill Nye on America’s Horrible Science Education.
Likewise, if you haven’t seen this, you should:
STOLEN FOOD CART BENEFIT CONCERT On Saturday, February 5, 2011, A La Carts Food Pavilion (4926 SE Division St with an entrance on SE 50th Ave) will hold a Portland foodie community event to benefit the owners of Azul Tequila Mexican Taqueria, the food cart stolen from the A La Carts food pod on January …
Ambro’s cartoon of the day is a complex animated gif which could pass for a short film and is very funny: Go here – AMBROTOONS: Lucidity, the cartoon-defined word for 2/1/2011.
This brief vid is very helpful in filling the gaps of American geographical knowledge of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England:
This time Improv Everywhere switches things up by having only one improvisor who performs a skating routine with a twist:
Via BoingBoing.
There has been a lot of misinformation and disinformation coming from people who want to privatize or weaken Social Security. This is not a debate. This is a fact. People suggest that Social Security is in crisis when in reality it can pay out full benefits for more than the next 20 years. Remember that …
Joan Moran, an old friend of, has been working on this promising, soon to be released, cookbook iPad application: New cooking app for the iPad™ raises the standard for all recipe apps and delivers thousands of tested and tasty recipes from America’s largest and most-trusted consumer brands. The home cook’s solution for searching and …