News Lights Up Internet Connectivity With Fresh, Clever and Sometimes Outrageous Content, by Randy Rendfeld

While browsing Boing Boing ( last week, I ran into this blog entry: “The Dream of the 90s is Alive in Portland” — a hymn to one of America’s greatest towns — “where zines, slacking, good coffee, social consciousness, public transit and all the other sweet fantasies of the 90s are still alive.” It features …

Will Progressives Treat BHO Better than Conservatives Treated GHWB?, by Lawrence Spaulding

So much gets presented as a challenge to President Obama, but his leadership style really asks more of his base and the American people: patience, a sense of history, an understanding of the modest limits of politics and our governing institutions. Obama seems to have these—do we? – Lawrence Spaulding Now, doesn’t that feel better? …

Domestic Violence PSA Warns Teens of Dangers from this Relatively Unpublicized, Yet Still Heinous, Crime

Haley Anderson produced this public service announcement for a class in Public Policy. It’s excellent and she is on to something. Domestic violence is by far the most common felony in every jurisdiction in the country (and probably the world) and yet whenever there’s talk of crime rates, crime crackdowns, or getting tough on crime, …

Be Counter-Cultural: Practice the Twelve Days of Christmas, by Chris Erdman, Celebrity Guest Blogger

. The Twelve Days of Christmas are largely forgotten today. If they are remembered, they’re remembered as a song about “Lord’s a leaping,” and “partridges in a pear tree.” The Twelve Days, December 25-January 5, are the true Christmas, the Christmas not of preparation for a single holiday, but of opening our hearts increasingly to …

Please Help Manhattan Lullaby, a Worthy Documentary About Colony Records (Brill Building), to Raise Funds on Kickstarter

. . The words, Brill Building, are synonymous with songwriting in the way Hollywood is equated with movies or Detroit used to be associated with cars. I received a message yesterday from LA-DSH urging assistance for an upcoming documentary about Colony Records, a unique music store located in that iconic building which was the site …

Barbara Trentalange’s “Napping Series” of Musicians a Beauty to Behold – Seattle Scenesters Painted to Perfection

Within the last year or so, multimedia artist, Barbara Trentalange, had a baby. Balancing motherhood with creative expression, she completed a series of paintings titled, “Baby Napping Series.” “I started the series because I needed to be quiet around the house while my daughter napped,” says Trentalange. “Since I couldn’t write and play music (which …

Don’t Be Co-opted by the Naive, Even Dangerous, Viewpoint that Obama’s Tax Cuts/Unemployment Deal is Not Good for Democrats, by Lawrence Spaulding

. Please, please, please tell me that you are not ready to be co-opted by the naive and even dangerous view that is being adopted by too many already that the tax cuts/unemployment benefits deal that Pres. Obama just worked out with Republican leaders is somehow a bad deal, that he got rolled, or that …

Deck the Halls with Advertising: Stan Freberg Skewers Christmas Commercialism, by Randy Rendfeld, Guest Blogger

This 1958 Stan Freberg audio file satirizes the overcommercialism of Christmas. It begins with Mr. Scrooge calling a meeting of important “advertising people” to find new ways to tie products to Christmas. One advertiser talks of depicting a more rugged Santa smoking a preferred brand of cigarette. In the ad, Santa has “both sleeves rolled …

Real Housewives, Zombies: “Being a [tv] housewife is more like being a CEO of a small corporation. A CEO that is hardly ever around,” by Karla Chase

The following article can be found at Are “The Real Housewives” really flesh-eating zombies? Why do Bravo’s trussed-up middle-aged stars have so much in common with “The Walking Dead’s” rotting corpses? Click Here. Funny, how true the comparison of zombies to Real Housewives is. The “Real” word in the title is like a joke. …