
Oregon Vet Injured in Iraq Billed for Army Eqpt. Lost in Injury Skirmish – Government Docks Disability Payments

From Komonews.com: “Three days after he was shot, Pfleider received a Purple Heart. Almost two years later, he received a bill from the military for missing equipment. The sum of the bill, which includes interest, is $3,175. It itemizes a list of gear the military issued to Pfleider that did not come back with his …

Unbiased Journalism: Not Now, Especially Not Then, Another Pipe Dream Unrealized

Confirmation Bias, Regional Elitism, and Narrative Seeking J-School Students Impede Quest for Unbiased Journalism… Is there such a thing as “unbiased journalism?” Should there be? Where is it found? by Foster Kedzie III First, we should distinguish between opinion journalism (even if its characterized as entertainment) and reporting. Opinion journalists are supposed to have opinions. …