Guttercropping: A Brilliantly Low Tech Way to Raise Greens in an Urban Setting From Randy Rendfeld

Randy Rendfeld sent in this photo of guttercropping, a simple and easy way to increase the area available for growing things in an urban setting. Says Randy, “I should note that isn’t my photo. My friend Linda T. found it on the Net. Here is another page showing something similar:“:

Aggrolites, Mike Pinto Band, and The Georgetown Orbits Turn Seattle’s Tractor Tavern Into a BIG Funky Reggae Party, By Holly Homan

On the Sunday evening of March 11, I ventured out to the Ballard neighborhood to see the Aggrolites at the legendary Tractor Tavern. When I arrived, the first band, Seattle’s own Georgetown Orbits, were well into their set. I had seen the Georgetown Orbits last fall when they opened for the Slackers and was quite …