Heard from former Seattleite, now a Minnesotan, John Moe, that his new show, Marketplace Tech Report, may now be heard on OPB every weekday at 8:35 am. Tune in and enjoy this man of immense comic and business analytical skills. Here’s John’s Marketplace Tech Report Blog. And here’s John with Roseanne Cash. .
My family had a vinyl record of “Wild Thing” by Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen in the 1960s. This version by a fake Bobby Kennedy should add some of that intellectual stuff I liked so much about Bobby. “Ah, I was reading, ah, Aeschylus last night, and it made me think how much Camus’ ‘The Plague’ …
. Behind the scenes video in Swedish: . .
Hi folks: Haven’t seen anything quite this knowing or smoldering in quite some time, and NEVER from a putative Teen Idol! “I said, a-HOOOO! Rock me, baby…” Possibly the only guy I’ve ever seen look his best in a full silver lamé suit, including Elvis and Bowie, though of course Iggy rocked the silver pants-only …
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