Rania (라니아) – “Dr Feel Good” – With Article Discussing Rania: The Catalyst for K-Pop’s Double Standard

Here are some quotes from an interesting discussion on allkpop: “Remember, morality is inherently subjective, so while it’s popular to throw down the gauntlet when the court of popular opinion is with you (as it seems to be with Rania), remember that everybody feels good about it until the hammer comes down on your idol.” …

Robert Johnson – THE COMPLETE ORIGINAL MASTERS: CENTENNIAL EDITION Available for $349 – Have We Been Listening to Johnson’s Recordings 20% Too Fast? by Bob Presthus, Tom Kipp and John Siscoe

Uh, er, ah, – How far can this reissue thing go? I guess as long as someone pays for them… Bob http://www.myplaydirect.com/robert-johnson/details/5747793?cid=nl:112975626 – Bob Presthus ******************************************************* Talk about yer conspicuous consumption! On the other hand, RJ’s an artist certainly worth fetishizing. This will sit nicely on the shelves of those who sprang for the mega-deluxe …