This time Improv Everywhere switches things up by having only one improvisor who performs a skating routine with a twist:
Via BoingBoing.
There has been a lot of misinformation and disinformation coming from people who want to privatize or weaken Social Security. This is not a debate. This is a fact. People suggest that Social Security is in crisis when in reality it can pay out full benefits for more than the next 20 years. Remember that …
OK, here’s another Kate Bush tune for my friends who are fans (her outfit is right up there with some of Barbarella‘s best…Halloween costume idea anyone?) On an aside, do you notice a thematic, though not stylistic, similarity to “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes? A woman looking for additional racy costume ideas …
It’s a gig Jim, but not as we know it…. Visiting Brits, more used to gigs in student halls or the back rooms of London pubs, we happened to pitch up in Salt Lake City at the same time as the opening night of new music venue The House ( It’s situated discreetly in what …
Dallas’ Time Machine Band is performing their cover of I Wanna Dance With Somebody, and the singer is modestly hot and seriously mellifluous, but that’s not where the fun is…
East Portland Blog’s favorite song by The Band. Keyboardist Richard Manuel is on vocals:
Joan Moran, an old friend of, has been working on this promising, soon to be released, cookbook iPad application: New cooking app for the iPad™ raises the standard for all recipe apps and delivers thousands of tested and tasty recipes from America’s largest and most-trusted consumer brands. The home cook’s solution for searching and …
Video: Surfer rides at night
East Portland Blog readers may have already been exposed to Complete, but if not, watch this 2008 video of the band playing their own composition “Hoogie Boogie Land”: This seems pretty shitty at first, right? Guy can’t sing, death metal “no established beat” drumming but in a wimpy hard rock format. Maybe these guys don’t …
Richie’s Reprisal: Thoughts from the Pallid Pilgrim OUT-SPECTORING SPECTOR by Rich Horton In the days before multi-tracking, producers of rock-influenced pop records were stuck with the thorny problem of how to translate rock’s bombast over the tinny car radio speakers by which most American teenagers heard the music. Phil Spector’s solution to the problem was …
It’s been a while since I first posted in EPB about this website, Project Space Planes, and their delightfully Anglocomic Youtube video which shows a group of British engineers launching paper airplanes into space on behalf of the Samsung Corp. to see where the planes, and their microchip cargo, would land. Most of the planes …
Kevjumba, the Youtube phenomena who sucessfully challenged Jessica Alba and Baron Davis to internet staring contests, and performed in a dance off on Happy Slip’s Youtube channel, is here challenged to go to Kenya and teach a class full of some excellent dancers:
When you get there, check out of the “Kramerica” recut trailer also:
This patriotic vid is currently trending in the world’s largest democracy:
Top 5 things we hate about guysKatyAnn | Myspace Video I spend a lot of time online these days, between reading email and cruising the Internet in search of gainful employment. And I’ve arrived at one immutable and irrefutable conclusion… lists suck. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to argue. Feel free to accuse me …
As I wrote to a friend after finishing my first spin on this: “What the world needs now is more warped master statements!” And to think I almost didn’t spin it once after reading the lyrics in the booklet. Never read before spinning. Even I forget that rule sometimes. Simply reading, you see, you might …
His name is Boo Boo Davis. He’s got the Boo Boo Blues. Damn lucky for him! He coulda been stuck with the furshlugginer Ethel Lipschitz Blues! Man, what a damnation. But he’s got the Boo Boo Blues. We call that order in the universe. And we’re furshlugginer thankful for it into the bargain. Not that …