Don’t Be Co-opted by the Naive, Even Dangerous, Viewpoint that Obama’s Tax Cuts/Unemployment Deal is Not Good for Democrats, by Lawrence Spaulding

. Please, please, please tell me that you are not ready to be co-opted by the naive and even dangerous view that is being adopted by too many already that the tax cuts/unemployment benefits deal that Pres. Obama just worked out with Republican leaders is somehow a bad deal, that he got rolled, or that …

Doris Day – “Everybody Loves My Baby (but My Baby Don’t Love Nobody but Me)” and “Mean to Me” (1955), by Jim Demetre, Celebrity Guest Blogger

. When most Americans think of actress and singer Doris Day (b. 1922), they imagine a virginal sweetheart or wholesome wife and mother – roles she often played in Hollywood and on television during her long career. But any contemporary glance at her legendary comedies with Rock Hudson reveal that the Doris Day of the …

Deck the Halls with Advertising: Stan Freberg Skewers Christmas Commercialism, by Randy Rendfeld, Guest Blogger

This 1958 Stan Freberg audio file satirizes the overcommercialism of Christmas. It begins with Mr. Scrooge calling a meeting of important “advertising people” to find new ways to tie products to Christmas. One advertiser talks of depicting a more rugged Santa smoking a preferred brand of cigarette. In the ad, Santa has “both sleeves rolled …

Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach – This House Is Empty Now, by David Handelman, Celebrity Guest Blogger

. Even when you’ve spent time as a professional rock critic, there are inevitably gaps in your musicology knowledge. And one of the aspects of music I’ve always loved is how musicians pay homage to mentors, inspirations, peers, and lesser-known talents by covering or, better still, collaborating with them, helping them reach a wider audience. …