A History of Grunge – There was a sleaze bag flophouse hotel in the 90210 zip which made the scumbag artists who lived there seem like they lived in Beverly Hills. I did errands for a dude who lived there with an old zine correspondent of mine who wrote feminist sword and sorcery fiction, and …
Paul Ryan liked Ayn Rand in high school and now he gives her books to all his staffers. Maybe I should give all my co-workers cassettes of Black Flag’s Damaged. – NPR’s John Moe is the host of Marketplace Tech Report and Wits.
From: J Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 9:04 AM To: Kipp, Thomas J Subject: RE: Brand new praise for TK’s 1982-83 stint w/ Diction, from a thoroughly unexpected source! So what exactly makes something grunge and how was the DD song the beginning of it? I know that back in the day (when I walked …
From: J Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 9:04 AM To: Kipp, Thomas J Subject: RE: Brand new praise for TK’s 1982-83 stint w/ Diction, from a thoroughly unexpected source! So what exactly makes something grunge and how was the DD song the beginning of it? I know that back in the day (when I walked …