For decades now, I’ve debated the anthem of my generation X in my head: “London Calling,” or “Love Will Tear Us Apart?” A see-saw battle, but when I revisit performances like this the scale tips ever so slightly. What power this song has. The sing-along chorus in a concert hall is almost half of it. …
Peter Hook stands front and center on the Showbox stage, shouting out the lyrics of “Love Will Tear Us Apart” as the audience sings along. He points at the crowd, almost blessing them as he delivers the grim chorus from Joy Division’s biggest hit in a commanding monotone. This was the only way the two-hour …
I’ve been nominated by my brilliant pal Chris Estey to post 25 albums in 25 days that have had a major CREATIVE impact on me—just album covers without any explanation—and to nominate a different person each day to do the same. Today I nominate: Alyssa LS Day 9: Joy Division: UNKNOWN PLEASURES (Factory Records, UK LP, …
Once in a blue moon one encounters an artifact for which language seems ENTIRELY INADEQUATE! THIS would be one of those times…. My thanks to Mike Calkins for sending it our way. JD’s “Atmosphere” has never seemed so….domestic! Nor so furry. Enjoy, – Tom Kipp
Mashed Up… Joy Division and Captain and Tennille “Love Will Tear Us Together” (Malcom McLaren Remix)
It’s actually quite beautiful, even understated. Listen for yourself: Go here. Or for Vodpod, go here. .
Do the kids today realize that Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart” was heard upon release in 1980 as a beautifully nihilistic burlesque of this ubiquitous mid 70s entertainment phenomena? (Also, do the kids know, does anyone know, that Toni Tennille sang backing vocals on Pink Floyd’s “The Wall?” – Wikipedia entry here.)
Check out this video on YouTube: ‘s viral. In the event you haven’t seen this. TC **************************************************** JD as puppets, very nice. Thank ye, TC! I will soon recap my 12/7 Showbox experience of see/hearing Peter Hook and band replicate UNKNOWN PLEASURES in its entirety, which was an unexpected highlight …
By Tom Kipp “If I had to boil down for a Martian what “it” IS that made rock music the joy of my life, there could be no finer aural aid than this [The Sonics version of “Louie Louie” ] guitar/vocal Tandem Scream from the Id. They say Grunge was “raw”, but it may as …
7/01/2010 – from the great Tom Kipp: I always suspected ol’ Bob would bow out in the anniversary month of CG. [July 1969 seems longer ago than EVER right now.] And, after the conversation we had about Consumer Guide in 2006, driving back to his hotel from Greil and Jenny Marcus’ dinner party at the …