Tag Archives: Slayer

I’m talking 2025 inauguration blues, by Mark Erickson

Trump Tower in Chicago, IL (by M.E.)  When America elected Donald Trump in November 2016, I thought about suitable music to describe my weariness toward the candidate who lies, bloviates, and blathers on a daily basis.  I selected “Maggot Brain” by Funkadelic.  https://www.eastportlandblog.com/2017/01/31/funkadelic-maggot-brain-a-song-which-captures-the-trump-era-by-mark-erickson/  Now that he has been re-elected, I am compelled to make another …

Why Colin Kaepernick Took a Knee, by Mark Erickson

Colin Kaepernick on police use of force against people of color "As police officers continue to terrorize black and brown communities, abusing their power and then hiding behind their blue wall of silence and the laws that allow them to kill us with virtual impunity…"Powerful words from Colin Kaepernick.#BlackLivesMatter #RightsNow Posted by Amnesty International USA …